I have enjoyed illustrating these books in the hope that it will help people better understand the indigenous heritage of Australia and to make it easy for kids to get to know there are many wonderful stories we have to share.
These books are published by Magabala Books of Broome Western Australia.
If you are interested in buying them please contact Magabala for a distributor.
COMING END 2023. ‘The Kangaroo and the Crab’ Book
I am working on a new Children’s book which will be out soon called – ‘The Kangaroo and the Crab’ (in English). It’s based on an ancient Bardi story similar to the well-known ‘tortoise and the hare’ tale. It’s a fast-paced story that gives the lesson of the downfall of pride.

Winin – Why the Emu cannot fly
Author: Mary Charles, Bill McGregor illustrator: Ngardarb Francine Riches
A traditional story about foolishness and jealousy is delightfully illustrated and told in English and Nyulnyul, a language spoken in the Kimberleys.
(This book was shortlisted for the West Australian Premier’s Book Awards.)

Bardi Counting Book
Author: Lucy Wiidagoo Dann illustrator: Ngardarb Francine Riches
This cleverly designed counting book in the Bardi language develops the concept of Western mathematical counting to ten. This pocket-sized resource will help develop early number skills in children of any heritage. The bright illustrations with their clearly defined images will stimulate young students to create their own examples. The Bardi language counting words are arrinyii (one), gooyarr (two), irrjar (three) and niimana (many). The numbers four to ten are represented here by combinations of groupings containing up to three animals. The visual number sentences show examples such as two crayfish and two crayfish making four joodanjoodan (the Bardi word for crayfish). A Bardi pronunciation guide and lists of the language words for the animals and counting shown in this book as well. (This book was shortlisted for the West Australian Premier’s Book Awards.)

What makes a tree smile
Author: Terri Jenke illustrator: Ngardarb Francine Riches
This book was conceived by Tamina Pitt when she was five. With the help of her mother (and co-author) Terri Janke and illustrator Francine Ngardarb Riches. It’s a beautiful book for young readers. It explores the imagination of author and what she thinks makes trees happy. It’s simplicity make it a delightful read.